Beat the Heat: RV Tips for Staying Cool This Summer

It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy! And, depending on where you travel in your new or used RV, it could be insanely hot. Check out our RV tips for staying cool – both for your engine and your body – all summer long!

Travel & Set Up Time

Be kind to your towing engine. One way you can prevent overheating while driving or even during camp set-up is to keep your driving shifts to the cooler parts of the day – early/mid morning, and late afternoon/early evening will be your best times for these. Basically, anything that’s not right in the middle of the heat of the day – especially from 10AM to 4PM. Once you’ve turned off the engine and are setting up camp, you’ll be able to keep your body cool by prioritizing what needs to be set up first and what can wait. Try to park your new or used RV in a shady spot. Unloading a lot of heavy or outdoor gear can generally wait until the sun isn’t directly overhead anymore.

RV Tips

Throw Some Shade

You’d be surprised at what that shady parking spot at the campsite can give you! A shade covering provided by surrounding trees lowers considerably the overall temps around your RV. If you are able to park near a sour of water like a creek or pond can also give you the benefit of Mother Nature’s air conditioner as breezes coming off the water can cool things down.

RV Tips

Turn Off the Oven…

…actually, try to not even turn it on to start with – as much as you can, anyway. Summertime is better for enjoying cold foods like fresh cold-cut sandwiches and veggie & grain salads. An oven running for a substantial amount of time can heat up the immediate area around it.

RV Tips

Time Your Exposure

The sun is highest between 10 AM and 2 PM, which means sun exposure peaks during that time. Saving the outdoor activities you love – like hiking, biking, or swimming – for hours with milder temps is a great way to keep everyone cool.

Chill Out!

Packing a few smart items can go a long way in keep you cool while camping! Quick-dry clothing is especially helpful in pulling off moisture and sweat, and cooling head and neck towels are excellent resources to keep on hand for a hot day.

RV Tips

Always remember to stay hydrated – it’s the best way of helping your body stay cool. And you can also use an electric fan outside around the picnic table to keep a nice, refreshing breeze going.

RV Tips

One way you can enjoy cold water all day long is to freeze bottles of water and then throwing them in your day pack. Sip on them as they melt! And speaking of ice, throwing some ice cubes in your fur baby’s water dish can also help your doggo stay cool and refreshed.

Double ACs

Many of our new and used RVs for sale come equipped with double A/C units, and this is an amazing amenity that helps keep the entire RV cool on warm days and nights. We’d love to help you find the right RV that has all the amenities you want. Stop in or contact us today!

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